-- arch-tag: Inflate implementation for Haskell

Inflate implementation for Haskell

Copyright 2004 Ian Lynagh <igloo@earth.li>
Licence: 3 clause BSD.


This module provides a Haskell implementation of the inflate function,
as described by RFC 1951.


{- |
   Module     : Data.Compression.Inflate
   Copyright  : Copyright (C) 2004 Ian Lynagh 
   License    : 3-clause BSD

   Maintainer : Ian Lynagh, 
   Maintainer : <igloo@earth.li>
   Stability  : provisional
   Portability: portable

Inflate algorithm implementation

Copyright (C) 2004 Ian Lynagh

module Data.Compression.Inflate (inflate_string,
                                     inflate, Output, Bit,
                                    bits_to_word32) where

import Data.Array
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Char
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad

import Data.Bits
import Data.Word

inflate_string :: String -> String
inflate_string = fst . inflate_string_remainder
--    map (Data.Char.chr . fromIntegral) $ fst $ inflate $ map Data.Char.ord s

-- | Returns (Data, Remainder)
inflate_string_remainder :: String -> (String, String)
inflate_string_remainder s =
    let res = inflate $ map Data.Char.ord s
        convw32l l = map (Data.Char.chr . fromIntegral) l
        output = convw32l $ fst res
        b2w32 [] = []
        b2w32 b = let (this, next) = splitAt 8 b
                      bits_to_word32 this : b2w32 next
        remainder = convw32l $ b2w32 $ snd res
        (output, remainder)


Type synonyms are your friend.

type Output = [Word32] -- The final output

type Code = Word32     -- A generic code
type Dist = Code       -- A distance code
type LitLen = Code     -- A literal/length code
type Length = Word32   -- Number of bits needed to identify a code

type Table = InfM Code -- A Huffman table
type Tables = (Table, Table) -- lit/len and dist Huffman tables


The \verb!Bit! datatype is used for the input. We can show values and
convert from the input we are given and to \verb!Word32!s which we us to
represent most values.

newtype Bit = Bit Bool
    deriving Eq
instance Show Bit where
    show = (\x -> [x]) . show_b
    showList bs = showString $ "'" ++ map show_b bs ++ "'"

show_b :: Bit -> Char
show_b (Bit True) = '1'
show_b (Bit False) = '0'

int_to_bits :: Int -> [Bit]
int_to_bits = word8_to_bits . fromIntegral

word8_to_bits :: Word8 -> [Bit]
word8_to_bits n = map (\i -> Bit (testBit n i)) [0..7]

bits_to_word32 :: [Bit] -> Word32
bits_to_word32 = foldr (\(Bit b) i -> 2 * i + (if b then 1 else 0)) 0



offset is rarely used, so make it strict to avoid building huge closures.

data State = State { bits :: [Bit],                  -- remaining input bits
                     offset :: !Word32,              -- num bits consumed mod 8
                     history :: Array Word32 Word32, -- last 32768 output words
                     loc :: Word32                   -- where in history we are
data InfM a = InfM (State -> (a, State))

instance Monad InfM where
 -- (>>=)  :: InfM a -> (a -> InfM b) -> InfM b
    InfM v >>= f = InfM $ \s -> let (x, s') = v s
                                    InfM y = f x
                                in y s'
 -- return :: a -> InfM a
    return x = InfM $ \s -> (x, s)

instance Applicative InfM where
    pure = return
    (<*>) = ap

instance Functor InfM where
    fmap f (InfM g) = InfM $ \s ->
        case g s of ~(a, s') -> (f a, s')

set_bits :: [Bit] -> InfM ()
set_bits bs = InfM $ const ((), State bs 0 (array (0, 32767) []) 0)

no_bits :: InfM Bool
no_bits = InfM $ \s -> (null (bits s), s)

align_8_bits :: InfM ()
 = InfM $ \s -> ((), s { bits = genericDrop ((8 - offset s) `mod` 8) (bits s),
                         offset = 0 })

get_bits :: Word32 -> InfM [Bit]
get_bits n = InfM $ \s -> case need n (bits s) of
                              (ys, zs) ->
                                  (ys, s { bits = zs,
                                           offset = (n + offset s) `mod` 8 } )
    where need 0 xs = ([], xs)
          need _ [] = error "get_bits: Don't have enough!"
          need i (x:xs) = let (ys, zs) = need (i-1) xs in (x:ys, zs)

extract_InfM :: InfM a -> (a, [Bit])
extract_InfM (InfM f) = let (x, s) = f undefined in (x, bits s)

output_w32 :: Word32 -> InfM ()
output_w32 w = InfM $ \s -> let l = loc s
                            in ((), s { history = history s // [(l, w)],
                                        loc = l + 1 })

repeat_w32s :: Word32 -> Word32 -> InfM [Word32]
repeat_w32s len dist
 = InfM $ \s -> let l = loc s
                    h = history s
                    new = map (h!) $ genericTake dist ([(l - dist) `mod` 32768..32767] ++ [0..])
                    new_bit = genericTake len (cycle new)
                    h' = h // zip (map (`mod` 32768) [l..]) new_bit
                in (new_bit, s { history = h', loc = (l + len) `mod` 32768 })


get_word32s :: Word32 -> Word32 -> InfM [Word32]
get_word32s _ 0 = return []
get_word32s b n = do w <- get_w32 b
                     ws <- get_word32s b (n-1)
                     return (w:ws)

get_w32 :: Word32 -> InfM Word32
get_w32 i = do bs <- get_bits i
               return (bits_to_word32 bs)

get_bit :: InfM Bit
get_bit = do [x] <- get_bits 1
             return x

\section{Inflate itself}

The hardcore stuff!

inflate :: [Int] -> (Output, [Bit])
inflate is = extract_InfM $ do set_bits $ concatMap int_to_bits is
                               x <- inflate_blocks False
                               return x

-- Bool is true if we have seen the "last" block
inflate_blocks :: Bool -> InfM Output
inflate_blocks True = return []
inflate_blocks False
     = do [Bit is_last, Bit t1, Bit t2] <- get_bits 3
          case (t1, t2) of
              (False, False) ->
                  do align_8_bits
                     len <- get_w32 16
                     nlen <- get_w32 16
                     unless (len + nlen == 2^(32 :: Int) - 1)
                        $ error "inflate_blocks: Mismatched lengths"
                     ws <- get_word32s 8 len
                     mapM_ output_w32 ws
                     return ws
              (True, False) ->
                  inflate_codes is_last inflate_trees_fixed
              (False, True) ->
                  do tables <- inflate_tables
                     inflate_codes is_last tables
              (True, True) ->
                  error ("inflate_blocks: case 11 reserved")

inflate_tables :: InfM Tables
 = do hlit <- get_w32 5
      hdist <- get_w32 5
      hclen <- get_w32 4
      llc_bs <- get_bits ((hclen + 4) * 3)
      let llc_bs' = zip (map bits_to_word32 $ triple llc_bs)
          tab = make_table llc_bs'
      lit_dist_lengths <- make_lit_dist_lengths tab
                                                (258 + hlit + hdist)
                                                (error "inflate_tables dummy")
      let (lit_lengths, dist_lengths) = genericSplitAt (257 + hlit)
          lit_table = make_table (zip lit_lengths [0..])
          dist_table = make_table (zip dist_lengths [0..])
      return (lit_table, dist_table)

triple :: [a] -> [[a]]
triple (a:b:c:xs) = [a,b,c]:triple xs
triple [] = []
triple _ = error "triple: can't happen"

make_lit_dist_lengths :: Table -> Word32 -> Word32 -> InfM [Word32]
make_lit_dist_lengths _ i _ | i < 0 = error "make_lit_dist_lengths i < 0"
make_lit_dist_lengths _ 0 _ = return []
make_lit_dist_lengths tab i last_thing
 = do c <- tab
      (ls, i', last_thing') <- meta_code i c last_thing
      ws <- make_lit_dist_lengths tab i' last_thing'
      return (ls ++ ws)

meta_code :: Word32 -> Code -> Word32 -> InfM ([Word32], Word32, Word32)
meta_code c i _ | i < 16 = return ([i], c - 1, i)
meta_code c 16 last_thing
                 = do xs <- get_bits 2
                      let l = 3 + bits_to_word32 xs
                      return (genericReplicate l last_thing, c - l, last_thing)
meta_code c 17 _ = do xs <- get_bits 3
                      let l = 3 + bits_to_word32 xs
                      return (genericReplicate l 0, c - l, 0)
meta_code c 18 _ = do xs <- get_bits 7
                      let l = 11 + bits_to_word32 xs
                      return (genericReplicate l 0, c - l, 0)
meta_code _ i _ = error $ "meta_code: " ++ show i

inflate_codes :: Bool -> Tables -> InfM Output
inflate_codes seen_last tabs@(tab_litlen, tab_dist)
   {- do done <- no_bits
      if done
        then return [] -- XXX Is this right?
        else -}
             do i <- tab_litlen;
                if i == 256
                  then inflate_blocks seen_last
                       do pref <- if i < 256
                                  then do output_w32 i
                                          return [i]
                                  else case lookup i litlens of
                                           Nothing -> error "do_code_litlen"
                                           Just (base, num_bits) ->
                                               do extra <- get_w32 num_bits
                                                  let l = base + extra
                                                  dist <- dist_code tab_dist
                                                  repeat_w32s l dist
                          o <- inflate_codes seen_last tabs
                          return (pref ++ o)

litlens :: [(Code, (LitLen, Word32))]
litlens = zip [257..285] $ mk_bases 3 litlen_counts ++ [(258, 0)]
    where litlen_counts = [(8,0),(4,1),(4,2),(4,3),(4,4),(4,5)]

dist_code :: Table -> InfM Dist
dist_code tab
 = do code <- tab
      case lookup code dists of
          Nothing -> error "dist_code"
          Just (base, num_bits) -> do extra <- get_w32 num_bits
                                      return (base + extra)

dists :: [(Code, (Dist, Word32))]
dists = zip [0..29] $ mk_bases 1 dist_counts
    where dist_counts = (4,0):map ((,) 2) [1..13]

mk_bases :: Word32 -> [(Int, Word32)] -> [(Word32, Word32)]
mk_bases base counts = snd $ mapAccumL next_base base incs
            where next_base current bs = (current + 2^bs, (current, bs))
                  incs = concat $ map (uncurry replicate) counts

\section{Fixed tables}

The fixed tables. Not much to say really.

inflate_trees_fixed :: Tables
inflate_trees_fixed = (make_table $ [(8, c) | c <- [0..143]]
                                 ++ [(9, c) | c <- [144..255]]
                                 ++ [(7, c) | c <- [256..279]]
                                 ++ [(8, c) | c <- [280..287]],
                       make_table [(5, c) | c <- [0..29]])

\section{The Huffman Tree}

As the name suggests, the obvious way to store Huffman trees is in a
tree datastructure. Externally we want to view them as functions though,
so we wrap the tree with \verb!get_code! which takes a list of bits and
returns the corresponding code and the remaining bits. To make a tree
from a list of length code pairs is a simple recursive process.

data Tree = Branch Tree Tree | Leaf Word32 | Null

make_table :: [(Length, Code)] -> Table
make_table lcs = case make_tree 0 $ sort $ filter ((/= 0) . fst) lcs of
                     (tree, []) -> get_code tree
                     _ -> error $ "make_table: Left-over lcs from"

get_code :: Tree -> InfM Code
get_code (Branch zero_tree one_tree)
 = do Bit b <- get_bit
      if b then get_code one_tree else get_code zero_tree
get_code (Leaf w) = return w
get_code Null = error "get_code Null"

make_tree :: Word32 -> [(Length, Code)] -> (Tree, [(Length, Code)])
make_tree _ [] = (Null, [])
make_tree i lcs@((l, c):lcs')
 | i == l = (Leaf c, lcs')
 | i < l = let (zero_tree, lcs_z) = make_tree (i+1) lcs
               (one_tree, lcs_o) = make_tree (i+1) lcs_z
           in (Branch zero_tree one_tree, lcs_o)
 | otherwise = error "make_tree: can't happen"